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Italian Government offers some scholarships for Cameroonian students and Equatorial Guinea students who meet the following requirements:
1. to be holder of licence/bachelor or higher diploma;
2. being no more than 28 years old at expiry date of this call (09 June 2023); the maximum acceptable age rises to 30 and 40 years, respectively for PhD and research projects under academic supervision (“co-tutela” projects);
3. university courses in Italy are held in Italian or English; therefore, the candidate must attach to the application a certificate proving the competence of the language concerned of at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference, unless his previous studies were conducted entirely in that language;
Candidates must submit applications online only on this website
before 1 p.m. (Yaoundé time), 9th June 2023.

You can download the call for post-graduate scholarship by following this link: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS MAECI GRANTS A.Y.2023-2024